This is a shakeup of the fashion industry once again. When the famous Korean fashion brand collabs that comes with the ideology of creativity and social development like TRIBUTE after the great success with the first collection campaign 'Stand Together' under the trending keyword 'Hate Is A Virus' with Jessi. or Ho Hyun-joo, a world-famous Korean-American female rapper. The owner of the song 'Nu Nu Na Na' that has reached 164 million views on YouTube.
and the second collaboration campaign with the 'Close to Your Heart' collection with Alexa, a Korean soloist from ZB Label, to reflect the vision of helping society and supporting social development with various sectors. Go. pgdose This year, TRIBUTE never stops moving forward with that ideology. as well as foreseen the strong vision of Luke Ishikawa Plowden, the hottest young hero of Japanese-American nationality and a very talented sportswear designer of Thailand wanting everyone in Thai society to get through the COVID-19 epidemic together together, thus creating the latest Thai social fashion collaboration 'TRIBUTE x LUKE ISHIKAWA' under a collection of The street style name is Stronger and is the first Thai designer to work with TRIBUTE.
'TRIBUTE x LUKE ISHIKAWA' is a new campaign collaboration in which the TRIBUTE brand is honored by Luke Ishikawa Plowden, a Japanese-American male protagonist from the series OH MY BOSS and designer. Street sports brand 'VOYAGE' to co-create the design of a limited-edition street sports fashion collection. Under the name of the collection 'Stronger', it connects inspiration in creating works and fashion ideology to help Thai society fight COVID-19 together, as well as bringing the proceeds to fund the group. Volunteer from the public sector "Up for Thai" under the project "Must Survive" to alleviate the suffering of people affected in the situation of the COVID-19 outbreak by establishing a kitchen. accepting donations and consumer goods to be transported to areas in need