Once you are addicted to opioids, it is very difficult to continue to live a well-functioning life. In most cases, the disease of addiction destroys families, ends careers, wipes out finances and more. However, this does not have to be your future. Effective treatment is close.
If you are facing opioid addiction, you can consider enter rehab. If you have an opiate addiction, DC has plenty of facilities for you to enter and beat your addiction. Just search for “DC treatment centre” to find a list of hundreds of facilities where you can go to get well.
Types of opioids and opioid treatments
There are different options available for opioid addiction treatment, but not all are appropriate for you. Depending on the length and severity of your addiction or addictions, treatment options can include a medical detox, outpatient rehab, inpatient rehab, or levels in between, such as intensive outpatient or partial hospitalization.
The right type of addiction treatment can be recommended to you by a medical professional, but proper levels of care can only be determined by someone who is trained in addiction.
Inpatient rehab for opioid addiction
For people with severe opioid addictions, inpatient rehab might be the best option. After medically assisted detox, this level of care allows clients to stay at a rehab center and includes medication management, 24-hour care, counselling with addiction therapists and more.
Inpatient rehab is great for someone who has trouble controlling the cravings for opioids when they are left unsupervised. Residential clients can benefit from a comprehensive evaluation coupled with treatment planning, with ongoing reviews of these treatment goals as the addiction program progresses, and an opportunity to address any challenges that arise with treatment planning staff.
In residential treatment, clients learn to live life without opioids, developing coping mechanisms and recovery skills through 12 step groups and individual work. Inpatient rehab has been the foundation upon which many addicts have built a healthy future, and taking part in this level of care can dramatically improve a client’s chance of having a successful recovery.
Inpatient rehab also gives people the opportunity to handle their own physical and mental health, finances and more. It is usually recommended to go through a continuum of care programs, which ranges from detox to aftercare. Inpatient stays might last 28 days or longer, but it is important to note that the longer a person stays in rehab, the better their chance of a long-lasting recovery.
With moves forward in technology, teletherapy and online counseling services are being much more common forms of mental health treatment. Addiction treatments were at one time restricted to one-on-one in person meetings, but now counseling can happen any time and any place, with all that is needed is an internet connection.
Outpatient rehab for opioid addiction
Outpatient treatment for opioid addiction offers many of the same elements of inpatient rehab, without having to live on-site. Outpatient rehab is an ideal program for people who have already ben through higher levels of care and are mentally and physically stable, but require help in transitioning back to daily life.
Outpatient clients can help maintain family and job responsibilities while they are attending therapy in evenings or weekends. People in outpatient rehab are able to learn skills for sobriety while still going to work or school.
Outpatient treatment usually involves regular meetings with addiction professionals, including therapy and counseling sessions. The goal of therapy is to build a sense of autonomy to help with continued recovery. Counselors can use cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), motivational interview, multidimensional family therapy and many other techniques to help with the recovery process.
Group therapy
Therapy is vital in any drug DC treatment centre, and for those who are suffering from opiate addiction, DC rehabs offer many therapy choices. Group therapy is very useful in the opiate rehab environment, as many clients have faced the stigma which is attached to addiction. They feel embarrassed, ashamed and have low self-worth.
By sharing their experiences with others, people realize that they are not alone in their experiences or feelings. The mindset that we are “in it together” is a common mindset in group therapy and helps to promote healing for those involved in the sessions.
Group members help to motivate others and can encourage communication about their experiences. Deep friendships are developed in group therapy, as many members relate to each other during this difficult time.
If you or a loved one is facing any of the issues in this article, help is at hand.
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